New coming features…

Posted: September 14, 2011 in Cassandra, Turmeric

Here are some of the new features delivered within the next rlse.

      • Expanded Rest Support: SOA Framework will now support REST operations that come in with HTTP verbs PUT and DELETE in addition to GET and POST. Operation mapping in service config xml can be done for each http request type (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE).
      • OSGI – Now SOA consumers can use SOA in an OSGI safe way : Currently, SOA runtime loads resources and handlers from classloader. When running in OSGi environment, resources such as ClientConfig.xml, ServiceConfig.xml, and application customized handlers don’t belong the SOA runtime bundle. Now SOA OSGI fwk provides registration API which supplies directly streamed config resource information so that getResourceAsStream() does not need to be called.
      • Zero Config Consumer: This feature eliminates the need for separate consumer jar. Now Plugin has Simple and Advanced mode for Consumer creation from WSDL. In simple mode, consumer project would not be created. Runtime will automatically switch to use the default Client Config file.
      • Protocol Buffers Support: SOA fwk now supports the Google’s data format – Protocol Buffers along with existing data formats XML, FAST_INFOSET, JSON and NV. SOA tooling generates the required artifacts to handle protobuf if the service is enabled for protobuf. The developer no need to write any special code to use the protobuf format except the configuration in Client Config file just like any other format.
      • Distributed Rate Limiter counters:   With the use of Cassandra ring the rate limiter feature can be deployed in cluster mode
      • Aggregation data for Monitoring:   the powerful monitoring console will now show summarized data. It can also read data from distributed nodes in Cassandra.

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